When The Going Gets Tough...

Discipline is the price of freedom. This truth is tested in times of adversity. In the 80’s Billy Ocean sang, “When the going is tough, the tough get going” and if ever there was an era where those words applied -surely now must be that time.

Where are your days going? Where is your energy flowing? What response have you had to the rolling lockdowns? It can be easy to lose motivation, to create stories in your head, to lose your sense of urgency. This is where planning, habits and accountability partners can make a massive difference.

Having a clear plan, broken down into actionable steps removes the pressure of having to make multiple decisions. When you have finished an action, you look to the next action and start. Starting creates momentum. Have a plan and work the plan. For work that demands more from you set aside specific time – e.g. Some of my clients set aside 2-3 “Power Hours” in their day to do calling. The target creates and incentive and helps maintain a routine.

Under pressure, or in your flow, you will always default to habit. Therefore make sure your habits serve you well. Keeping a time sheet over 1-2 weeks can quickly reveal your habits. Analyse these and ensure they are working for you. We are the sum of our habits – keep yours strong, positive & healthy!

Sometimes we simply do not do what we know we should. This can be particularly easy when our routines are interrupted or broken. The biggest danger with slipping from healthy routines is that we start to justify it in our minds: we reason with ourselves and create stories to make it acceptable. This can change our identity perception and affect our self-confidence, self-belief and passion for what we do. We get plagued by “should’s”& “could’s”, and can spiral downwards.

An effective antidote is to have a great ‘buddy’/ accountability partner. Most people know they are more likely to do what they “should” do if they know someone will check on them. Find someone you respect enough that you do not want to let them down (and they will not just be nice and easy on you). Let them know what you aim to achieve in a day and then check in with them at the end of the day. This can be a person or your team – both work well, if the environment is a healthy mix of high expectations, encouragement and support.

In the whirlwind of change that is currently swirling around us (and occasionally battering us from pillar to post) these simple techniques can help ride out the storm

 Here's to your success!

Mike Clark
Mike is an exceptional communicator and has a proven track record of working with businesses to achieve their goals and reach the next level in business performance. His action bias and absolute commitment to producing results along with his engaging personality make him a sought after training facilitator. Working internationally, Mike is based in Palmerston North (the most beautiful city in the world!) writing and delivering courses and training with clarity and insight which produce definable results for the businesses he works with.

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