Mike Clark with camera

I typed in the title of this blog as ‘R&R’, got distracted and came back to it and my initial thought was “What was I intending to say about ‘Rock & Roll’?” I laughed - looks like a timely blog; and time for me to take my own advice.

The ‘R&R’, of course, stands for ‘rest and recuperation’ and we are very much looking forward to enjoying this upcoming break technology free and focused on family, fun and tackling our “get-to-do” list.

How do you ensure you recharge and refresh? High performers understand that resting is as important as training and working. Building recovery time into your routine allows you to perform at your best more consistently. This applies to your daily, weekly and monthly routines as well as the annual break you are likely treating yourself to.

In much of New Zealand there is a culture of “not taking tea breaks”, often skipping lunch breaks or eating at one’s desk. This is contagious. Any new employee then feels obligated to follow the culture, does not take breaks and reinforces the culture. This is a topic that comes up frequently in training and a ‘hobby horse’ of mine (as many of you will well know!) We love helping people realise and reach their potential. Personal experience as well as extensive global research all points to the benefits of taking breaks. (Here is a great summary article on the topic by HBR https://hbr.org/2023/05/how-to-take-better-breaks-at-work-according-to-research)

What have you got planned for your break as you close out 2023 and welcome in 2024? How will you ensure you remain focused and present in the moments you create and with the people you love? Are you intentional in ensuring you get the R&R you need to bring the best version of yourself into the new year?

Some quick tips to PLANT at the start of the holidays that we have found work well for us:

Put an out-of-office on your email and DON’T check it at all.

Leave your work phone and laptop behind/Minimise your phone use - only use your phone for calling, texting friends & family, taking pictures (That might mean deleting games off your phone).

Avoid the temptation to “pop into work”.

Neutralise your distraction device - delete any social media & news apps from your phone!

Turn off the news (The world will still keep turning without you keeping tabs on it!)

Enjoy this time of year. May it be blessed and filled with abundance, joy and love and we look forward to reconnecting with you for an incredible 2024!


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