Facing Your Dragons

A good friend of mine experienced a decade-long, chronic and debilitating fear of flying.  So much so, that the very thought of stepping into an airplane had a severe physical and mental effect on her. Fear, that insidious force that lurks in the shadows of our minds, can hold us captive, preventing us from living the lives we were meant to live. It can paralyse us with doubt, prevent us from taking risks, and keep us from pursuing our dreams. But fear doesn't have to control us. We have the power to overcome it, to break free from its shackles and embrace the courage that lies within us. 

Face Your Fears

The first step towards conquering fear is to acknowledge its presence. We must recognize the things that scare us, the challenges that make us hesitate, the dreams that seem too big to reach. Once we've identified our fears, we can begin to confront them. This doesn't mean rushing headlong into danger or ignoring our instincts. It means taking calculated risks, stepping outside our comfort zones, and gradually exposing ourselves to the things that make us uneasy. It means facing our fears with courage, knowing that the reward of overcoming them far outweighs the temporary discomfort. My friend researched ways of managing the fear that kept her grounded.  From learning to be careful about her thoughts, and her focus, to using medicine and other techniques, she armed herself with knowledge that would help her to conquer. 

Find Your Why

Courage is not something we are born with; it is a muscle that needs to be exercised. One of the best ways to strengthen our courageous spirit is to surround ourselves with inspiration, to give ourselves an example and a why. Seeking out stories of others who have faced their dragons and found ways to conquer is one powerful way of inspiring ourselves.  Another, is to find our “Must”.  The reason that we “must” conquer this fear. For my friend, it was the presence of two small grandchildren in a country ten hours flight away that fuelled the why of her courage. She was determined that her fear would not keep her from being a part of their lives. When we visualise what is possible, and determine that we WILL find the strength to overcome our fears, we can achieve our previously unattainable goals.

Take Action

Courage is not just about facing our fears and finding inspiration; it is also about taking action. It is about translating our newfound bravery into tangible steps towards our goals. Too often, we get caught up in planning, analysing, and overthinking. We wait for the perfect moment, for the stars to align, for all the conditions to be just right. But the truth is, there is no perfect moment. Courage is not about waiting for the ideal circumstances; it is about taking action - even when we are unsure, even when we are afraid. This Christmas, my friend will spend with her grandchildren.  She has fought her dragon with absolute courage, and this is the fifth trip she has taken. Stepping on that plane the first time took an incredible amount of willpower.  But she did it. Every step you take, no matter how small, is a victory over fear. It is a declaration that we are not controlled by our anxieties, but that we are determined to live a life of purpose and fulfillment.

So, what are you waiting for? What courageous action can you take today? Take a moment to reflect on your fears, your inspirations, and your goals. Then, summon your courage and take the first step. You may be surprised at what you are capable of achieving.


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