Doing The Reps

There are many qualities of success. A quick Google search brings up lists with many overlapping traits. The range includes strategy, planning, communication, unique offering, customer centricity, culture, vision, leadership and charisma. Interwoven into the list of the much touted and glamorous qualities are some equally important and desirable qualities that do not have the same allure. These include tenacity, focus, grit, perseverance and consistency.

Saying “no'' to ‘shiny’ exciting new ideas, sticking with the plan, persevering through the messiness of business life and consistently doing what you believe is right, even when you can’t see immediate results, is hard. Much like getting fit, putting on muscle, losing weight and mastering a skill. Life demands payment up front. Business success is no exception. The work and risk and grind come first. Every “overnight success” belies the effort and ‘length of the night’. 

Have you made a plan and set a strategy for this year? Are you working the plan? Are you measuring the key activities you know you should be doing? Are you monitoring the results you are getting? How consistent have you been this year? 

Many of the key drivers in business are like the tiny cogs in a clock. The tiny cogs have to move continuously whereas the larger the cog the slower and less it moves. Business has tasks that move the bigger more measurable aspects. The importance of these activities have been highlighted in many books and articles - often called lead measures.  Tasks that need to be done consistently - marketing, social media posting and engagement, blogs, collecting testimonials & case studies, key account management of clients through regular calls and visits. Monitoring client buying trends, watching GP & NP and  monitoring stock turn are all examples. Many of these measurements can be automated through CRM’s, ERP and other integrated software programmes. (Remembering that data entering is another of those monotonous tasks that need to be regularly done) 

As any person who has a routine will tell you - it is the compounding of all the efforts that eventually gives the desired results. Are you clear on what you want to achieve? Have you identified what you need to continuously do to keep you on track with achieving this goals(s)?  Are you doing the reps?

Mike Clark
Mike is an exceptional communicator and has a proven track record of working with businesses to achieve their goals and reach the next level in business performance. His action bias and absolute commitment to producing results along with his engaging personality make him a sought after training facilitator. Working internationally, Mike is based in Palmerston North (the most beautiful city in the world!) writing and delivering courses and training with clarity and insight which produce definable results for the businesses he works with.

(Drowning In The) Sea of Information


Last Third Of The Year